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The proper fishing license, permits and stamps are required in Alaska for all sport fishermen both resident and non-resident. Here is a basic informational guide to Alaska fishing licenses, current rates and steps to purchase the required licenses for your fishing trip. Alaska fishing licenses are available for 1, 3, 7, 14 days or annual periods. It is helpful to purchase your license prior to arriving to Alaska to save you time. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has a great online site for purchasing your fishing licenses: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Online Fishing Licenses
Alaska residents and out of state nonresidents from age 16 and up has to purchase and have on their possession an Alaska sport fishing license. Also, a king salmon stamp is mandatory to fishing king salmon when in season. These regulations are enforced in both salt and fresh water. Alaska fishing licenses and king salmon stamps can be purchased online in advance of your trip Licenses can also be found at most sporting goods stores, department stores with sporting departments and at all Alaska Fish and Game offices. Alaska residents aged 60 and above who maintain residency can participate in sport fishing without a license, but must apply for and hold in their possession their ADF&G Permanent Identification Card. Permanent ID Card applications are only available at Alaska Fish and Game offices. Those who have Permanent Identification Cards need not purchase stamps in order to fish for king salmon. To partake in Alaska fishing seasons that have annual harvest limits (many king salmon and trout fisheries), anglers under the age of 16 and permanent ID holders must have in their possession a harvest record card (available at license vendors and at AK Fish and Game offices) in order to record their fish harvest. This information is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Please call them directly for additional information: Phone (907) 465-2376 -- Email: