Plan your Alaska Salmon Fishing Trip
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Alaska Salmon Fishing on our clear-water river system does not get any better! Our remote river receives strong runs of all five Pacific Salmon species at various times each summer. When you visit will determine which salmon species is running in our river system. For a complete breakdown of peak salmon fishing periods, please view our Alaska fishing calendar We offer the best spin and fly fishing experience for all Alaska salmon species. Each species of salmon has it's own allure. If you are unfamiliar with river fishing for salmon in Alaska, we are happy to help orient you to decide which fishing venue is the best fit for your group.
Fishing salmon in Alaska is a venue on the bucket list of many fishing enthusiasts world-wide. Fishing a freestone, clear-water Alaska river system during the peak of the salmon runs is as exhilarating as it gets! Pursue your favorite salmon quarry by boat, wading, or walking the many gravel bars of our river. Our remote river receives strong runs of all Alaska salmon species: King Salmon (June/early July), Sockeye Salmon (mid-July), Pink Salmon (mid-July through mid-August), Silver salmon (mid-July through late August) and Chum Salmon (Late July - Early September).
Discover our Wild
Alaska Salmon!

Alaska Pink Salmon Fishing: Where do we start? Pinks or 'Humpy's' are the most prevalent salmon in Alaska. And seriously, any fly fishing or spin fishing enthusiast would be thrilled if they could catch dozens of fish per day. Pinks make this achievable. They're an aggressive, cool fish that are the ultimate addition to your trip in July and August. Pinks are the ultimate fish to pursue if you have never been fly fishing before, so their ideal quarry for novices and kids. You will be highly successful. Yes, you!

Sockeye salmon fishing is the ultimate tug-fest. Sockeyes or 'Reds' provide (debatably of course) possibly the best fight, pound for pound, of any Alaska salmon species. Kings, chums and silvers are right up there (and we apologize to them.) Sockeye salmon arrive simultaneously in very large numbers and typically run strong from July 15 - 28 each summer and are a blast to catch on spin and fly fishing gear.

Chum Salmon fishing in Alaska is by far the most under-rated fishing experience in the state. Seriously, 'Chums are Awesome!' Chum salmon are good-sized and do not stop fighting when hooked. Chums are popular with fly fishermen due to the fact they will hit many different fly patterns and presentations often changing their preference on the hour every hour. That fact is a fun mystery for the 'match the hatch' enthusiast. For whatever reason, they hit spinners readily... so, spin fishermen? You'll love them!

Silver salmon fishing is a 'crown-jewel' experience for traveling spin and fly fishing enthusiasts. Yes, you've heard of their reputation. Silvers or 'Coho Salmon' are widely known for their aggressive strikes, barrel-rolling fights, acrobatics and their propensity to hit spinners, flies, jigs and lures of all sorts from sub-surface to top-water. Late July and August is the ultimate time to pursue silvers in our Alaska river system.

King Salmon Fishing: They call them 'Kings' for a reason. King salmon can easily be crowned king of all freshwater sport fish. Our blessing at our lodge is that we fish for these monsters in shallow, clear water -- most often from the bank! King salmon are notorious for their tackle-testing runs. You can be assured, whether spin or fly fishing, that you will end each day with multiple tales of knuckle-busting fights, some successful & some no-so-lucky.

When planning your Alaska salmon fishing trip, there is a lot of information to consider. Our Alaska fishing resources page is a great source of information for planning. Discover information on regulations, licenses, fish processing, etc.

Our peak fishing calendar will help orient you to when salmon runs are at their peak in our river system. If you have any questions or would like us to suggest the best salmon fishing venue for your group, just let us know!

Visit our Package and Rates Page for further information on planning your ideal salmon trip. Bundle salmon fishing with other side trips for the ultimate remote Alaska experience.